Our company, Gao-yin Factory, has implemented the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and established occupational health and safety management regulations. Our safety and health policy is based on the principles of “respect for the value of life,” “commitment to safety discipline,” and “prevention of workplace accidents,” with the goal of complying with government occupational safety and health laws and fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality and safe products that meet relevant laws, regulations, and standards, while also preventing workplace accidents. Through health promotion, we strive to create a friendly workplace and fulfill our social responsibility as a company.
SiRUBA is proactive and dedicated to promoting occupational safety, health, and wellness, aiming to reduce workplace accidents. In compliance with occupational safety and health regulations and international social responsibility standards, the company continuously improves the work environment to ensure the safety and health of employees, prevent occupational injuries and diseases, and reduce hazardous factors in the workplace. SiRUBA is committed to adhering to occupational safety and health laws, creating a high-quality, safe, and healthy workplace. The company focuses on employee care, health, and safety, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility while pursuing sustainable business operations. SiRUBA firmly believes that the safety and health of its employees are invaluable assets to the company.
Occupational Safety and Health Management System
To establish a safe working environment, in accordance with Article 23 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, SiRUBA has set up Occupational Safety and Health Committees at each of its operational locations. These committees provide recommendations on safety and health policies proposed by the Safety and Health Office and review, coordinate, and advise on safety and health-related matters. The committee members include occupational safety and health personnel, department heads, R&D staff, production unit personnel, and designated personnel, forming the highest deliberative body for safety and health management. The committee meets quarterly to offer suggestions on the occupational safety and health policies drafted by the Safety and Health Office, and to review safety and health matters such as health management, environmental monitoring plans, various safety and health proposals, occupational disease prevention, and health promotion.

Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management
In accordance with the occupational safety and health regulations, SiRUBA regularly identifies hazards and conducts risk assessments. Based on the level of risk, different operational procedures are developed to address these hazards. Additionally, we plan annual safety and health-related training, such as fire extinguisher drills and emergency evacuation exercises, to teach employees about the company’s safety and health facilities and how to use them. This helps employees instinctively assess the potential impact of a disaster and take appropriate action, such as using fire extinguishers and guiding colleagues to evacuate safely, preventing major accidents and injuries.
As a machinery equipment manufacturing and maintenance company, SiRUBA is classified as a Category 1 business, which carries significant risks. Therefore, we have established an occupational safety and health management system tailored to our scale and nature. Through planning, implementation, inspection, and improvement management functions, we aim to achieve safety and health management goals, enhance safety and health management standards, and oversee safety and health-related matters. A Safety and Health Office is in place to draft, supervise, and promote safety and health management activities, while also guiding relevant departments in their implementation.
To prevent the occurrence of emergencies and respond swiftly and effectively to potential hazards, SiRUBA has developed an “Emergency Response Manual for Disasters,” which provides necessary handling measures to minimize injury, reduce loss, and prevent secondary environmental pollution. Common hazards at our company include accidents due to careless operation, which are addressed through administrative directives and preventive measures.
Regarding the occupational accident investigation process, once an incident is reported by the responsible unit to the labor safety department, a thorough investigation is conducted to determine the facts of the incident, analyze direct, indirect, and root causes, and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence. After the investigation, the responsible unit and relevant department heads sign off on the report.
2023 Hazard Identification

Accident Investigation Flowchart

2023 Occupational Accident Statistics

Note 1: Serious occupational injuries: Serious occupational injuries that cause the employee to be unable or difficult to return to the state of health before the injury within six months, but the number of deaths should be excluded from the statistics.
Note 2: Recordable occupational injury or disease: Occupational injury or disease caused by any of the following circumstances, such as death, leaving work, restriction of work or change of work, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness, or by a doctor or other significant injury or illness
diagnosed by a licensed health care professional (even if it does not result in death, time away from work, restriction or transfer of work, medical treatment beyond emergency care, or loss of consciousness), but statistics should Contains fatalities.
Note 3: Recordable occupational injury rate = (number of recordable occupational injuries/total working hours experienced) *20000
Occupational Safety and Health Communication Performance
Occupational Safety and Health Communication Channels
An internal employee website is established as a communication channel to encourage employees to leave messages, ask questions, file complaints, or make suggestions. Employees can choose to remain anonymous or not. Feedback or responses can be made public to all employees or limited to individuals. Once an employee submits feedback and specifies the department for response, the system will forward the feedback to the relevant department for processing, and the department must provide an online reply to the employee. The design of the employee feedback system, as well as the entire complaint process, prioritizes the protection of the complainant’s privacy. Employees can feel secure when leaving messages online or directly contacting the occupational safety and health representative by phone.
Communication Channels:03-326-2128 #156